Lusitanos Academy Clinics
At its most basic level, dressage is about knowing how to control your horse through the different paces from halt to walk, trot and canter, and how to steer the any given direction. At the highest level, it’s about using the power, elegance and impeccable training of the horse to execute complex movements as required.
Dressage was originally developed by the cavalry in the 17th century – after all, having an unresponsive or undisciplined horse on the battlefield could have meant the difference between life and death. Only later did it develop into some of the more flamboyant moves still seen today at places such as the Spanish Riding School of Vienna.

Working Equitation
Working Equitation originated in Portugal and is based on everyday riding skills and the tradition of working livestock in the fields.
Working Equitation has developed over the years and is now an internationally recognized form of competition riding.
Working Equitation involves the principals of classical horsemanship; it develops a Strong bond between horse and rider.
At the same time Working Equitation produces a versatile riding horse for both leisure riding and competition.
There are four phases, these include a dressage test and two obstacle tests – one focuses on style and the other on speed. The final test is the cattle test.