Dressage Lessons

Classical Portuguese Dressage lessons to create balance and harmony between horse and rider.
We provide one to one coaching in the foundations and principals of classical equitation, specializing in helping you to achieve the correct classical seat and true rein contact.
For your lessons you will be riding Nicole´s wellmannered and highly schooled Lusitano horses. Lessons can be held in English.
Nicole also instructs working in-hand techniques, which is beneficial for both horse and rider.
Portuguese Equitation builds on the principles of Classical Dressage, with some differences in the exercises, the aids and riding style.
A basic riding level is required to participate.
You can arrive and depart on any day from Monday to Friday and stay for as long as you like. However, for a more fulfilling experience, we do recommend a stay of at least three days. Our classes are individual and we just accept 3 riders per day.
Although our school horses are all very well trained, gentle and safe, it is mandatory to wear a helmet at all times when riding for your own security.

Our Programs
Intensive riding program:
5 days – pack of 5 riding classes, once per day.
Moderate riding program:
3 days – pack of 3 riding classes, once per day.
the key pillars of classical dressage
By focusing on the key pillars of classical dressage, our students gradually work the horse to perfection in straightness, contact, suppleness, collection and impulsion. Taking a gradual approach and with the correct preparatory work, the school horses are able to perform some of the most difficult classical movements such as pirouette, passage and flying changes.
Riders should be balanced and independent at walk, trot and canter, and it is na advantage to know the basic lateral movements such as shoulder-in and half-pass.
The lessons take as long as the rider needs to achieve the particular goal for the lesson. In general, the lessons are in average approx 50 minutes long.
This format of intensive interaction between riders and instructors delivers productive and valuable learning.